Take a deep breath
Firstly, don’t be afraid that a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an immediate death sentence for your cat; it frequently isn’t. You don’t need to grapple with the idea that your cat, either today or in the near future, won’t be leaving the vet’s surgery. However, a diagnosis of CKD is bound to trigger strong emotions; your cat may die of the disease. Although if and when it does depends on many factors. Amongst other things, on the current stage of the disease.
Become proactive
I know from my own experience how helpless such a grave diagnosis can make you feel. But becoming proactive in accompanying and supporting my sick cat in its illness made me feel better. CKD as a disease can be “managed” like many chronic diseases in humans. There’s a lot you can do for your cat. Your vet is an important source of support for you and your cat.
The earlier CKD is diagnosed, the better
As with many diseases, an early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in cats can extend survival. It allows you to take suitable steps to improve your cat’s quality of life. Tests are now available that can help you reach an early diagnosis.
In chronic kidney disease, working together with your veterinarian is very important. CKD is a complex disease that can’t possibly be managed However, there’s lots you can do to support your cat. Finding out about the disease is one way. I hope this website will help you to do so.
→ CKD incidence increases from the age of 5–6 years
→ One in three cats over ten years of age is affected
→ One in two cats over fifteen years of age is affected