

The Desert Animal

Wildkatze in der Wüste

Our domestic cats are of African-Egyptian origin. As desert animals they are used to get along with little water. Their bodies have adapted to the low water supply: cats can regain water via the intestines and kidneys. This can lead to...


A chronic kidney diseased cat demands a lot from its owner. Apart from additional financial expenses due to more frequent visits to the vet, medication and other means, the time and especially the psychological strain on the cat owner is sometimes immense.


A study conducted in the summer of 2019 revealed, that mortality in cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is directly correlated with FGF-23 blood levels.

FGF-23 and its role in phosphate metabolism

The importance of phosphate in feline chronic kidney disease (CKD) is well established. Owing to a reduced number of nephrons, the functional filtration units of the kidneys, insufficient phosphate is excreted in the urine.

The Devil’s in the “P”

Progression of chronic kidney disease in cats is influenced by the interaction of the “devilish two Ps”: phosphorus (chemical symbol “P”) and, opposing it, parathyroid hormone.

CKD – a brief overview

Approximately 3–5% of cats are affected by chronic kidney disease. The incidence increases with age, so by 12 years of age 50% of cats suffer from CKD. The disease is incurable, and its course is progressive.

Uraemic Toxins

A friend of mine has look into a new product for cat kidney health that intercepts the precursors of uraemic toxins generated in the intestines of cats. This has spurred me to take a closer look at the issue of uraemic toxins, a subject I knew little about.