

When CKD fogs the brain

Chronic kidney disease in cats (CKD) is not only associated with health impairments, but often with central nervous symptoms as well. The involvement of the brain as a cause is not fully investigated. Two new studies [...]


In the intestines, food components are broken down and made accessible to the body. This produces breakdown products which are eliminated in the faeces as “waste”. Such breakdown is normal. However, there are also breakdown products formed in the intestines...

Urine analysis in senior cats

In addition to regular check-ups, which usually include a blood test, a urine test is also recommended for senior cats aged 9-13 years. Especially for the examination of the cat’s kidney health, it can provide valuable information, as it is produced directly in the kidneys. Urine production is a kidney filtration process, the reduction of which can indicate the possible presence of chronic...

The End – CKD on Stage IV

Not every cat goes through all stages perceptibly for the cat owner. Especially in stage 4, however, the health problems and impact of Chronic Kidney Disease are clearly visible. Therefore, the focus in this end stage is to alleviate the symptoms and to stabilize and, if possible, improve the cat’s quality of life. The cat’s last days of life should be made as comfortable as possible...

Chronic Kidney Disease on Stage III

According to IRIS (International Renal Interest Society), the third stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterised by clinical signs. If the symptoms are mild, the cat is in early stage 3, if the clinical symptoms are numerous and severe, the cat is in late stage 3 according to IRIS.   Stage 3 Due to the increasingly reduced kidney performance (up to 25% remaining), more urinary...